September 10 2014
Voici l'interview de la danoise Samie ! Interview réalisée début 2010... encore une pauvre âme qui attend sa publication depuis 4 ans ! Honteux... je sais je sais...
1. How long have you been cosplaying ?
Not for long actually, I've been cosplaying since 2008, So I'm still kind of a newbie in the cosplay world, hehe.
2. Other hobbies or passions except cosplay ?
Yes. I take photos, both of cosplay as well as of "normal" people and enjoy that very much!
3. Are you showing yourself in events like E3, ECTS, Comic Con.. ?
Not those, but the ones being held in Denmark I do attend. I've performed at two out of the four I've been too.
4. The costumes are made all by yourself ?
Yes, almost all of my costumes are made be me. Theres only one I haven't done myselvf. I prefer to do them myselvf, as it makes me more happy for them.
5. How much time do you spend to make one ?
Thats diffrent from costume to costume. Some have taken me a day and some have taken me months.. depends on how big the costume is, and on how lazy I am.
6. Is it expensive to collect all the pieces to build one ?
Again, depends on the costume, although every costume I've done have cost alot, but thats mostly because of the wig.
7. When you're cosplaying, do you ever encounter weird or disrespectfull people ?
No, only alot of starring people.. never had anyone actually say something bad or likewise. Mostly, people are actually really sweet and ask about it in a polite way.
8. Are you collecting objects like anime figures or statues ?
Not that much, but I do have some stuff from some of my favorit mangas and animes.
9. Do you like mangas paperbooks & animes ?
Yes! I watch more anime than I watch tv... heh. And I don't read that much manga, but a little is on the shelf.
10. Any cosplay project coming ?
Alot! Some for DCS (The danish rounds for WCS) and alot of little projects..
11. Do you play videogames ? If yes, what type of games ?
I play the old school Tekken4 and Kingdom Hearts, that is pure love.
12. Any word for people who thinks that cosplay is ridiculous or laughable ?
Well.. that they'res appinion, and they have the right to it, but I think they could just give it a try and have a look on some of the awesome cosplays alot of people have made!
13. Thanks for answering the questions, any word for people who gonna read the interview ?
You're welcome, and for the words; Cosplay is for fun, so love what you do and what you've made.
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