October 30 2014
Voici l'interview de la jolie Roxanne, qui est de chez nous ! Bien qu'elle se débrouille sans problème pour parler en français, elle a préféré faire l'interview en anglais ! On ne lui en voudra pas :p ! Surtout que son cosplay d'Ewok de Star Wars est trop mignon :D !
1. Tu es cosplayeuse depuis combien de temps maintenant ?
Since October 2013, so one year now.
2. Le cosplay est donc ta passion, tu en as d'autres ?
Next to cosplay I love reading and playing video games.
3. Tu as déjà été à des conventions dans ton pays ? Et en international ?
Yes! The past year my brother and I have been to almost every Belgian convention (F.A.C.T.S., Made in Asia, Antwerp Convention, Gameplay, GameForce, Rétro Made in Asia, and Atsusacon. We’ve been to 4 international cons: 3 in the Netherlands (Abunaicon and Animecon, Elfia is more a fantasy fair), and then to Gamescom in Germany.
4. La plupart des cosplayeuses font leurs costumes elles-mêmes, toi aussi ?
Absolutely. It may happen that I ask help from my mom for the sewing part, but otherwise I make everything myself.
5. Quels sont les matériaux utilisés pour faire un costume de cosplay ?
Mostly Worbla, craft foam, fabric and molding plastic.
6. Certains costumes paraissent lourds à porter, tu as déjà dû porter des costumes inconfortables ?
Haha, yup ! My Articuno’s wings get really heavy after an hour or two, especially when I have to lift them up. My Faun’s hooves are also pretty uncomfortable and painful after a while. But it’s so much fun to wear them, so I bear with it!
7. Tu as un costume préféré ?
Articuno and my Faun ^^
8. Une fois qu'un costume a été porté, on en fait quoi ? On le jette ou on les stocke (ça doit prendre de la place) ?
I would never throw away a cosplay I’ve made. I just put them in plastic boxes and put them away in my small stocking room, until the next convention or so.
9. Pour savoir faire son costume, on me parle souvent de couture... Mais j'imagine qu'il faut aussi savoir peindre ou fabriquer des accessoires (épée, armure...), comment procède-t'on pour ce genre de choses ?
You don’t really need « real » skills, I mean. When I started I had zero skills in sewing, or making props or anything else. It was a learning process along the way with lots of failure until success. If you just believe in yourself that you can make it, and give it a try and not give up after the nth time of failing, you’ll get there. You just need to do some research, test things, ask for help or advice.
10. Selon toi, une cosplayeuse qui achète des costumes tout faits sur le net, c'est mal ?
Each to their own I guess ? I mean, I don’t mind cosplayers who buy their costume, because maybe they don’t have the time, budget or motivation to make their own cosplay. As long as they don’t criticize self-made cosplays.
11. Ca prend en général pas mal d'heures de boulot pour faire un costume soi-même, comment gères-tu cela avec ton boulot, tes études, et le reste ?
Well, when I want to make a new cosplay I try to calculate how much time it’ll take to make it. I’m still a student, but luckily I have four days off in a week. I also work at night on cosplays in the weekend so that helps ^^ most of the time, it’s a bit of rushing the last week before a con :p
12. Tu as un budget réservé à tes costumes ?
Yes, because Worbla and other cosplay supplies can be pretty expensive !
13. Tu achètes des figurines manga ? Ou tu fais des garage kits ? Ou autres ?
No, but I do buy collector’s editions of some video games.
14. Tu préfère les animés ou les manga papier ? Tu regarde ou lis quoi en ce moment ?
Manga ! I’m not reading anything new, just re-reading some old mangas J
15 Des projets de cosplay futurs en tête ?
Yes, lots of them ! Maybe a bit too much actually xD
16. Il t'arrive de jouer sur console ou PC ? Tu joues à des jeux en ligne (MMO) ?
I play a lot on the PS3 or on the computer. The only MMO I play is World of Warcraft ^^ I’m not really into the hype of LoL…
17. Comment ton compagnon/compagne prend le fait que tu fais du cosplay ? Ca ne la/le dérange pas de te voir habillée sexy ?
I don’t have a boyfriend, so no problem with that !
18. Ta famille t'encourage t'elle à faire ta passion de cosplayeuse ?
They do, although they also often remind me that my studies go first. But they’re pretty supportive so that’s awesome.
19. Il y a parfois des relations tendues (jalousie par ex) entre certaines cosplayeuses. Tu as déjà eu ce genre de problèmes ?
Only once and that was when we first cosplayed. I wore my Silent Hill Nurse cosplay, and as you know this character has a good rack, so my ex was jealous when I posed with guys.
20. Si tu as un message à faire passer, c'est le moment ^^ !
Just that I’m extremely happy that I started cosplaying ! I’ve met so many nice people along the way, and hope to meet many more in the future!
Sa page FB officielle : http://www.facebook.com/riotwolvescosplay