February 11 2016
Here comes the interview of the marvellous Alison Young !
1. For how long have you been in cosplay ?
I first really started cosplaying three years ago, in 2012. I actually bought a couple of costumes in high school for Halloween, though, before I even knew what cosplay was!
2. Cosplay is a time consuming hobby. how long does it take to craft your costumes ?
Depends on the complexity of the cosplay, but up to a few months! I always seem to be rushing before the end, though...
3. Any other hobby or passion besides cosplaying ?
Sewing my own clothes and cute things, video games, music, reading, drawing, and singing (in the shower).
4. What materials are you using for cosplay crafting, worbla ? Foam ? Can you talk about that a little bit ? I've seen we have transparent worbla now...
I first started using worbla in the winter of this year, and I'm addicted! It's amazingly versatile and quick to use. I always use craft foam underneath, and most often do the folding method on the edges, since I like to save money ^^'
5. Do you have any FAVORITE cosplayer ?
No special favorites, actually! I follow a lot of cosplayers on facebook, from people just starting out to veterans. They're all fun to watch, because the one thing everyone has in common is passion--and that's fun to see.
6. Did you hurt yourself while making a cosplay or in a convention ?
I've cut my finger or stabbed myself with pins more times than I can count... Also got my first nasty burn from a heat gun a couple weeks ago! I guess it's kind of a badge of honor...
7. Do you sell your old cosplays, or just keep it in a huge closet grin emoticon ?
I don't think I've ever sold an old cosplay! Looking at my closet and cosplay trunks, I probably should think about that.
8. Who teached you to craft your cosplays ? Your family ? By reading books or watching youtube tutorials ?
I've pretty much been self-taught! I took a couple of basic sewing classes in high school and worked in the costume shop in college a bit. I scour internet tutorials and experiment whenever I get stuck. For some reason I'm not a big Youtube person!
9. Which conventions are you going to this year ?
This year, I've already been to Anime Detour, Anime Boston, and ACen. I'm going to AX for the first time, which I'm super pumped about! Later on in the year, a couple smaller cons like Anime Fusion and Daisho Con.
10. What is your limit budget for a cosplay ?
Unless it's super crazy insane, probably about $250.
11. Any future super secret cosplay project in mind ?
I have a semi-secret cosplay project going on right now... Unless I've talked to you about it in person, you wouldn't know! (I don't think) And I've got a couple big(ish) projects lined up for next year.
12. What are you doing in "real" life for a living ?
I graduated relatively recently, so right now I'm just working in a fabric store and trying to figure out what I want to do with my life. (THANK GOD FOR EMPLOYEE DISCOUNT)
13. You best souvenir from a convention ? And your worst ?
Best souvenir? Probably a couple of little figurines of Fran and Balthier from FFXII. They're nothing rare or fancy, but a new friend bought them for me just after we'd met, and I love that memory. Worst? Con plague. Hands down.
14. Any advice for cosplay wannabees or beginners ?
My advice is to just go for it! Sometimes things can seem daunting if you have no idea how to do them or proceed, and you can get stuck. I always say just try, wing it if you have to, because it's way better than doing nothing. You can only get better!
15. Do you have limits ? Some cosplays you will never make (too sexy, too hard, too heavy...) ?
No real limits! I suppose right now I'm only limited by money and how much I can carry on my body...
Her facebook page : https://www.facebook.com/airy.girl/