June 20 2018
Voici l'interview de la splendide Frangipane Cosplay de Belgique. Elle est néerlandophone donc on a fait son interview en anglais pour qu'un maximum de personnes puisse la lire.
1. For how long have you been in cosplay ?
Since 2014, many people think i’ve been around longer but I only started when I was around 18 years old. The reason I got into it so late is because I didn’t even really know what cosplay was back then, and even in the beginning I never believed I could be even somewhat good at it.
2. Cosplay is a time consuming hobby. how long does it take to craft your costumes ?
It depends, if it’s a really simple uniform I end up buying it online, because it ends up being cheaper than having to make it. I always spend the most time on props, but because I live with my parents I don’t really have that much space to work, so I often wait until I’m able to craft at a friend’s house or at the cosplay shop here in Belgium.
3. Any other hobby or passion besides cosplaying ?
Photography is a big one, I’m also getting more fond of doing makeup as well because of cosplay. Beside that I like to read and do other crafty stuff like pyrography. I’m also getting more into games lately (such as League of Legends and Overwatch).
4. What materials are you using for cosplay crafting, worbla ? Foam ? Can you talk about that a little bit ? I've seen we have transparent worbla now...
I like to improvise a lot and use whatever is available, but foam and worbla are things I can use in every project. I’m also fond of using lightweight Fimo clay when I need to make horns, and I’ve already used transparent worbla to make flames (with leds inside!) for my Black Rock Shooter cosplay. Her canon for example is mostly made out of carton boxes we had left over from Ikea stuff, neat right? I also like to make fake fur ears for cosplay by using yarn, it’s a very time consuming thing but it’s really worth it.
5. Do you have any FAVORITE cosplayer ?
That’s a hard question, there aren’t many “famous” cosplayers I look up to, but Kinpatsu might be one of them (her crafting skills are amazing), but mostly my favorite cosplayers are people who just generally are nice people I’ve met through the years, either because of dedication, crafting skills, originality, and so on. I’ll always look up to Kallo Cosplay though, she’s the main reason I’m still cosplaying to this day, and she’s the reason I’ve opened up so much as a person.
6. Did you hurt yourself while making a cosplay or in a convention ?
I lost count of the times I burnt my fingers because of the hot glue gun ! Besides that not really (let’s not jinx it either *knocks on wood*), my job irl is working with very sharp knifes all the time so that’s maybe why I’m careful around dangerous stuff ? Who knows. At conventions the only thing is that sometimes I get hurt by those killer heels, so pretty but so painful after a few hours.
7. Do you sell your old cosplays, or just keep it in a huge closet ?
I have a hard time saying bye to stuff I’ve gotten close to, I haven’t sold that much yet, but mainly because they’re costumes of characters that are my all-time favorites, of which I’ll be sure to wear again through the years if I want to. I recently sold my Rem maid outfit because I wore her so much, I got tired by it. I still want to do another Rem cosplay though.
8. Who taught you to craft your cosplays ? Your family ? By reading books or watching youtube tutorials ?
I’ve always been self-taught, with crafting I most of the time don’t even know what I’m doing, I just go for it, believe it or not. I watched some tutorials here and there but I always learn more by watching people do it or by people who gives me tips and stuff as I’m working on a project (that’s why I like to go craft at the cosplay shop). I’m really happy I’m friend with a lot of talented people who give me tips whenever I’m in need of them.
9. Which conventions are you going to this year ?
FACTS, Made In Asia, Atsusacon, Japanese Garden Festival and probably FACTS again, I might go to some smaller ones but they’re usually a week beforehand decision whether I feel like it or not. I usually never really plan to go to Comic Cons because I don’t really have any comics cosplays myself (even though I’m a big Marvel fan).
10. What is your limit budget for a cosplay ?
It depends on whether I have a job at that moment or not, I’ve had one for a few months now and I was able to afford more expensive cosplays than usual, but with adulting happening I sometimes have to tone it down. Luckily casual cosplays are a thing and OC’s are also fun to make with leftover materials or secondhand clothes.
11. Any future super secret cosplay project in mind ?
I’m personally not really fond of secret cosplay projects, I like to share my wip’s along the way on my instagram stories and whatnot. The only things that come out of nowhere are OC’s, because they’re usually a quickly made costume.
12. What are you doing in "real" life for a living ?
It’s hard to explain for people outside Europe (or even outside Belgium) but I’m a seller at a charcuterie, it’s somewhat a butchery type of thing but with meat and cheese that’s being put between sandwiches ? I think that about sums it up lol. I studied graphic design in college but I ended up not being able to find work in that field.
13. You best experience from a convention ? And your worst ?
My worst would probably be the first con I went to, I can’t really remember which one (it might’ve been MIA), I was cosplaying Sasha from Attack on Titan, but it being my first kinda cosplay, I ended up getting some weird looks by other cosplayers and even heard talking behind my back. It really bothered me for a while but as I look back I’m glad I’ve gotten way better and that I haven’t become like the people who laughed at me that day. My best is a bit hard, because there are so many ! Honestly whenever I go to cons I’m able to see all my friends again who live pretty far away (I live in the middle of nowhere so yeah).
14. Any advice for cosplay wannabees or beginners ?
DO. WHATEVER. YOU WANT. Seriously, there have been enough times when I was thinking more about the general public or about likes and followers instead of just cosplaying what I want to cosplay. Also have an open mind and learn from advice given by skilled people, try new things, fail at new things, and keep trying ! Most of all, have fun at what you’re doing.
15. Do you have limits ? Some cosplays you will never make ?
I generally don’t like too naked or revealing cosplays, not only because those characters are usually not my thing, but I’m kind of body-shy as well. I’m not missing out on anything though, so it’s alright! I also would never cosplay a character of a series I have never seen before, or from a game that I haven’t played before (I started playing League of Legends because of cosplay, I wanted to originally cosplay Irelia, but as I started playing her I really didn’t like her at all, I ended up playing for almost a year without any cosplans from league until Star Guardian Soraka showed up).
Sa page FB : https://www.facebook.com/frangipanecosplay/