January 16 2019
Here comes the interview of the beautiful Ketrin Cosplay from Czech republic !
1. For how long have you been in cosplay ?
I started cosplaying in 2011 with some small anime projects.
2. Cosplay is a time consuming hobby. how long does it take to craft your costumes ?
It really depends on the cosplay but usually 2-3 months for one cosplay. But there are times when I have horrible deadlines and I can make it in one month (with not much sleep tho) !
3. Any other hobby or passion besides cosplaying ?
I love playing games (pc and ps4) and I am a big anime lover. I also love travelling a lot.
4. What materials are you using for cosplay crafting, worbla ? Foam ? Can you talk about that ?
I usually do armored style cosplays so I mostly use foam of different density and sometimes worbla, thibra and cosplay flex (but not so much these days). I also recently discovered 3D printing, so I started to work with 3D prints too. My cosplay partner is getting really good at 3D modeling and I totally love to paint 3D models with my airbrush. I love to try new materials too.
5. Do you have any favorite cosplayer ?
I dont have favorite one, but I admire Kamui, Kinpatsu, Evil Ted Smith and there are many others talented cosplayers on scene.
6. Did you hurt yourself while making a cosplay or in a convention ?
Oh sooooo many times. Last time I overworked myself and end up 2 days in bed, I couldn't move and was in horrible pain, my body just gave up. I also got several cuts when I was working with a knife, I got burns from a heat gun and hot glue, and some other basic cosplayers struggles.
7. Do you sell your old cosplays, or just keep it in a huge closet ?
Keep it ! I just can't sell them, they are full of blood and tears. I just can't !
8. Who teached you to craft your cosplays ? By reading books or watching youtube tutorials ?
Watching youtube tutorials and reading Kamui book ! Also my epic cosplay partner Ali cosplay props, he is so much better at everything but I will not give up !
9. Which conventions are you going to this year ?
For this year the convention season is over, but for next year I am going to Japan Street festa in Kyoto, Animefest in Czech republic and for sure a lot more !
10. What is your limit budget for a cosplay ?
I don't have a limit budget. I never do a budget, since if I did one I would see how much money I put into cosplay and I would quit ! So, if I don't have the money, I just wait for next salary at work.
11. Any future super secret cosplay project in mind ?
When it is super secret how can I write about it? Also my cosplay plans are changing everyday, so I have 5 unfinished cosplays and I'm starting a new one. I am a horrible human being I know.
12. What are you doing in "real" life for a living ?
I am a quality planner in automotive company. Just basic office work.
13. You best experience from a convention ? And your worst ?
Hard to tell... Probably when we won the ECG european championship, I was so happy that I could die. I also really love when I am in cosplay and someone comes to me and say "hi Ketrin". I am silently screaming in my head like "OMG he or she knows who I am, I can die happy now." Everytime !
And worst : everytime we are trying to finish cosplay in time like a week before convention : I usually end up crying a lot, without sleeping, eating like... almost nothing, it's always so much stress that I end up crying with wine in horrible pain from stress and I swear to God that this will never happen again... and with next convention... oh hello darkness my old friend !
14. Any advice for cosplay wannabees or beginners ?
Go buy Kamui books ! Go watch youtube and write to us (the cosplayers) if you dont know what to do ! But first try to learn, try to explore since there are so many tutorials ! You can do magical things, and if I can do it, everyone can !
15. Do you have limits ? Some cosplays you will never make ?
Naked cosplay. I don't mean underwear shoot, but naked ! Thats too much for me and I dont feel confident and I have no idea how I would survive at work if I do that. Too hard and too heavy are not options either. I always want to try what I can do, how far I can go.
Her facebook page : https://www.facebook.com/Ketrincosplay/