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Mercenar Cosplay Fanpage

Interview of Silja (Mexico)

Here comes the interview of the beautiful Silja from Mexico ! Interview made in 2019.

1. For how long have you been in cosplay ?

I've been cosplaying for around eight years now !

2. Cosplay is a time consuming hobby. How long does it take to craft your costumes ?

It really depends. I've taken anywhere between 48 hours and a month and a half to make a cosplay.

3. Any other hobby or passion besides cosplaying ?

I graduated from biotechnology so science in general is captivating for me. Sometimes I'm having a conversation with somebody or I'm walking to work and a question pops in to my head, something specific like how long DNA can last with and without refrigeration. So I start looking it up and before I know it I'm delving into a forensic science book I found online and reading about other techniques. In general I really enjoy learning new things. Right now I'm learning web development, French and some Java. Aside from that, I really enjoy exercising ! Pole dancing is my favorite.

4. What materials are you using for cosplay crafting, worbla ? Foam ?

I just use 4mm and 6mm EVA foam and styrene ocassionally. I also use random things like ketchup bottles, yoghurt cups, etc. and incorporate them into my costumes.

5. Do you have any favoritecosplayer ?

Hikarin and xbrinni are my absolute favorites !

6. Did you hurt yourself while making a cosplay or in a convention ?


7. Do you sell your old cosplays, or just keep it in a huge closet ?

I sell most of them ! But I keep some of them around since they're useful for when I'm a guest at conventions.

8. Who teached you to craft your cosplays ? Your family ? By reading books or watching youtube tutorials ?

Just random DeviantArt tutorials and Kamui Cosplay's books ! They are a god gifts.

9. Which conventions are you going to this year ?

Ohhh, I don't know yet ! But I'll be sure to announce any events on my facebook page.

10. What is your limit budget for a cosplay ?

I personally don't like to go over 2000 MXN (roughly $100 USD).

11. Any future super secret cosplay project in mind ?

I really want to make I-no from Guilty Gear and Nergigante armor from Monster Hunter !

12. What are you doing in "real" life for a living ?

I'm currently a dev intern (Ndlr : she means software developer I guess).

13. You best experience from a convention ? And your worst ?

The best experience is when people scream from excitement when they see you dressed up as their favorite character, that's always the best thing. My worst experience is guesting at a con and having disrespectful people tell me things and being in a position where I can't act because I don't want to give the con organizers trouble. I'm pretty aggressive, so my best course of action is to stay silent because when I get started I don't know how to stop. So I'd rather shut up lol.

14. Any advice for cosplay wannabees or beginners ?

Remember that cosplays are like tattoos, once you get your first you're always gonna want another one.

15. Do you have limits ? Some cosplays you will never make ?

I'm not a fan of anything that shows midriff and hugs my hips too much, it just doesn't favor my body type.

Her facebook page : https://www.facebook.com/SiljasCostumes

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