December 23 2022
Here is the interview of the gorgeous Molly Red Wolf from Russia ! Since she is mostly creating content in ero-cosplay, I had to write special questions for her. Happy reading !
1. How would you categorize yourself, are you in the ero-cosplay world ?
I am an amateur model. I do not only do Ero cosplay. I create adult videos and cosplay is one of the categories of my videos.
2. A lot of cosplayers are doing a Patreon, onlyfans, and so on, to make money, mostly with selling photosets. But you took the thing a little further than that... How did you decide to make this type of videos ?
My husband and I started making videos for adults about 4 years ago. We have a special interest in photography and video shooting, so at the very beginning of our journey it was just a hobby. We work for manyvids and fansly, which are our main platforms.
3. Do you sometimes have problems, for example in the street, when a random guy recognize you ? Do you sometimes feel unsafe ?
I often feel unsafe on the street, not only because I'm an erotic model, but simply because I'm a girl. Therefore, I do not feel embarrassed when they recognize me on the street more than when they just try to get to know me.
4. Do you live from your "hobby" or do you have another job aside ?
Our hobby provides us completely.
5. The cosplays you are using in your photos/videos, did you craft it by yourself or did you buy it all-made ?
I think it's cheaper to buy a ready-made suit and alter it for yourself, but I have suits that I made myself.
6. Do you have contracts or profesionnal partnership with popular websites or video channels ?
I work with studios or other companies as a freelancer. Companies or studios place an order with me for a video or photo shoot and upon completion they pay me for the finished work.
7. Do you like gaming ? I believe you also sometimes stream your gaming sessions ?
I have repeatedly tried to stream on twitch, but unfortunately for me it turned out to be too difficult. I love to play games, but lately I rarely find free time for them.
8. Do you go to Russian conventions ? If so, do you go in cosplay or as a regular visitor ?
I haven't been to cosplay festivals since 2016. I used to attend cosplay festivals as a fashion show contestant, but over time I got bored and stopped seeing the point in it.
9. What are your projects for 2023 ?
We have too many cosplay plans right now. But I don't want to talk about it here. You can find the list of my costumes for 2023 in my telegram channel.
10. Do you anything to say for the readers or a special message to send to the world ?
Be good boys and support your favorite models, they try very hard to please you.
Her instagram :
Her official website :