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Mercenar Cosplay Fanpage

Interview de Pizoobie (USA)

On quitte l'Italie et l'Europe pour aller aux USA pour l'interview de la très kawaii Pizoobie !

1. For how long have you been in cosplay?

Since Blizzcon 2011! That was my very first cosplay convention.

2. Cosplay is a time consuming hobby. how long does it take to craft your costumes?

My most complicated costumes take 4-5 months to make. That usually includes 3 months of planning and buying materials, and then 2 months for actually constructing the costume.

3. Any other hobby or passion besides cosplaying?

I love video games! I'm into all kinds of games including real-time strategy, role-playing games and first-person shooters.

4. What materials are you using for cosplay crafting, worbla? Foam? Can you talk about that a little bit? I've seen we have transparent worbla now...

I usually use insulation foam and Worbla for my props, and craft foam and Worbla for my armor. Insulation foam is useful because it comes in sheets of regular thicknesses (e.g. 1"), so it's great for blades in swords and knives. It's also very easy to shape with a rasp or sandpaper. Worbla is excellent in many applications because it's very sturdy and can protect any kind of foam or base structure from being destroyed. It comes in very thin sheets, so it's easy to add as a protective layer to foam, or you can mold it with itself to make a kind of heat-formable clay material.

5. Do you have any FAVORITE cosplayer?

I admire lots of different cosplayers, but I learned a lot of what I know from Kamui Cosplay. She makes a lot of excellent tutorials on making armor out of Worbla and expanding foam, and I referenced a lot of them when making my cosplays.

6. Did you hurt yourself while making a cosplay or in a convention?

I've never hurt myself seriously, but I definitely do have some scars from really uncomfortable cosplay shoes! Standing around for several hours in a costume can actually be pretty tiring work.

7. Do you sell your old cosplays, or just keep it in a huge closet?

Haha, what an excellent question! All of my cosplays are indeed stored in a huge closet. I don't know if I will sell any of them -- I would find it hard to part with my creations, and I would also feel bad about the poorer quality of some of my earlier work.

8. Who teached you to craft your cosplays? Your family? By reading books or watching youtube tutorials?

I watched a lot of youtube tutorials and read a lot of posts from other cosplayers. The cosplay community is really friendly and open about sharing their tips and experiences.

9. Which conventions are you going to this year?

I'm not sure about my schedule for this year! Real life is rather busy for me at the moment, but I will try to make it to Anime Expo in July and PAX Prime in August.

10. What is your limit budget for a cosplay?

I don't set any hard budgets on my cosplays, but I do try to save money where I can. I'm always trying to work with materials that I have lying around at home.

11. Any future super secret cosplay project in mind?

Haha, not really! I've been toying with a couple of costume ideas including an Elin Berserker (from TERA) and possibly another Bravely Default (or Bravely Second) cosplay, but I don't have anything definite planned yet.

12. What are you doing in "real" life for a living?

I'm a researcher in Computer Science.

13. You best souvenir from a convention? And your worst?

When I went to PAX Prime 2014, I did a photoshoot with my good friend (and amazing photographer) Ed Tan. The next day, he surprised me with a gorgeously printed 20"x36" poster of one of the best photos from the previous day! It was such a wonderful surprise and I really treasure the poster to this day. My worst souvenir (from the same convention) was the really nasty scar I got from my shoes!

14. Any advice for cosplay wannabees or beginners?

I always advise beginners to plan ahead on their cosplays. Crafting always takes me longer than I expect, because I always run into problems here and there. Working on your costume ahead of time also allows your to change things that you aren't happy with.

15. Do you have limits ? Some cosplays you will never make (too sexy, too hard, too heavy...) ?

Yes, definitely! I try to avoid super-sexy cosplays (I love looking at them, but I'm not brave enough myself). I do enjoy making sexy costumes but I don't think I'd be able to cosplay, say, Ryuko Matoi from Kill La Kill in her super-racy outfit. I'm also rather petite and weak, so I can't cosplay anything super heavy either! These days, I have a lot of real-life commitments, so I also can't make costumes that will be too time consuming. These are definitely big considerations for me when I pick out a character to cosplay.

Sa page facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Pizoobie/

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