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Mercenar Cosplay Fanpage

Interview de Yuriko Tiger (Italian living in Japan)

Voici comme promis sur ma page facebook, l'interview de la très jolie Yuriko Tiger, une italienne qui est partie vivre au Japon ! Interview réalisée en septembre 2013.

1. How long have you been cosplaying ?
I'm a cosplayer since 2008.

2. Other hobbies or passions except cosplay ?
I love all about Japan. I also like to do dance cover of japanese song, drawing and doing video-blog.

3. Are you going to local conventions ? And international ones ?

Now i'm in japan and i'll go to the COMIKET and TOKYO GAME SHOW.

4. Most cosplayers are making their costumes themselves, you too ?
Here in Japan i haven't sewing machine, so i have to requir by commission or buy on online shop.

5. From what is a costume made of ?
Interpretation, be able to pose like the character and the quality of the cosplay. Last but not least is the similiarity.

6. Some costumes looks heavy or hard to be in, did you ever had to wear such problematic costume ?
Yes,Sonic and Zelda.

7. Any favorite costume ?
Sonic and Super Sonico.

8. Once a costume has been used, what do u do with it ? Trashing or stocking it ?
I sell it so i can do new ones.

9. Making a costume requires some skills like sewing. But other skills are needed to make a weapon for example. How do you do your stuff ?

For doing cosplay you need money, time and ability for do it.

10. A cosplayer buying costumes on ebay, is it evil ?
Absolutely no. I often buy my cosplay on ebay and i think that sometimes is the best choice.

11. Cosplay requires a lot of time. Is it hard to combine it with everyday life (job, studies…) ?

If you want to create a good and complex cosplay, yes !

12. You have a budget for cosplay ?
My budget never surmount 400 euros.

13. Do you buy PVC figures ? Or GK (garage kits) ?
I have a lot of action figure that i buy in Japan. I love to buy it, no assemblate.

14. Any favorite anime or paper manga ?
Manga: Life di Keiko Suenobu. Anime: Attack on Titan (currently).

15. Any future cosplay idea ?
All the possible version of Super Sonico. Junko Enoshima for the TGS. Rikka from Chuunibyou.

16. Playing on PC or console ? Playing MMO(RPG) ?
Console! (fighting and music games).

17. Is your boyfriend/girlfriend jealous or upset when you wear sexy outfits for cosplay ?

Is normal to be a little jelous

18. Does your family help you in your coslayer life ?
Yes, my mother is my number one fan.

19. Ever encounter problems with other cosplayers (jealousy for ex) ?

A lots. The fame brings a lot of haters! But for me is not a problem. I doing cosplay because i love it, i don't care about other opinion.

20. If you wanna say something to the world, here is your chance !
I'm Italian and i'm studing japanese in Japan. To do this thing i left the school and i started the work I'd like going to be a famous cosplayer in Japan and share my passion with the whole world. Follow your dreams, isn't impossible. Just difficult !

Sa page FB officielle : http://www.facebook.com/YurikoTigerCosplay

Sa page deviantart : http://yurikotiger.deviantart.com

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