May 4 2015
Voici l'interview de la déjantée mais très jolie écossaise Kyahri ! Elle fait essentiellement des cosplays de League of legends, comme beaucoup cette année je dois dire !
1. How long have you been cosplaying ?
I have been cosplaying since 2010 but only started making cosplays in 2012
2. Other hobbies or passions except cosplay ?
Does binge-watching television shows count?
3. Are you going to local conventions ? And international ones ?
Theres not many conventions in Scotland, and if there is, they arent that good tbh, I dont attend many conventions, usually MCM in London or a few smaller ones in Scotland/England. I would love to go abroad to a convention one day.
4. Most cosplayers are making their costumes themselves, you too ?
I do yes, or i do buy small stuff and customise them for a costume sometimes.
5. From what is a costume made of ?
Fabric? (ndlr : sur ce coup là elle m'a bien eu ^^)
6. Some costumes looks heavy or hard to be in, did you ever had to wear such problematic costume ?
The first costume i made was Ahri from LoL and the tails were so big and it was awkward walking through a convention wearing them!!! Also when i cosplayed Soraka i wore heeless shoes and they got really really sore and uncomfortable and i had to wear them all day, i wanted to cry.
7. Any favorite costume ?
Jinx because its probably my signature costume, but i really love Ahri too.
8. Once a costume has been used, what do u do with it ? Trashing or stocking it ?
I usually keep them.
9. Making a costume requires some skills like sewing. But other skills are needed to make a weapon for example. How do you do your stuff ?
I use different types of foam to make my props and weapons, it is mostly just trial and error but its fun!
10. A cosplayer buying costumes on ebay, is it evil ?
I used to buy all my costumes online, until 2012. So no, i dont find anything wrong with it.
11. Cosplay requires a lot of time. Is it hard to combine it with everyday life (job, studiesÖ) ?
Yeah, i usually end up rushing my costumes last minute because im too busy to do it .any other time... or too lazy! Its fun though, so i always try to make sure i keep at it, because its such a good experience in life and really helps me with skills.
12. You have a budget for cosplay ?
I try to spend as little as possible but most of my costumes cost me 100-200+ hahahah
13. Do you buy PVC figures ? Or GK (garage kits) ?
14. Any favorite anime or paper manga ?
I dont really watch anime or read manga anymore, since around 2012/13 but i really love sword art online series 1.
15. Any future cosplay idea ?
Im currently working on Officer Jinx and Popstar Ahri from LoL
16. Playing on PC or console ? Playing MMO(RPG) ?
I like PC! My favourite game is League of Legends, duh!
17. Is your boyfriend/girlfriend jealous or upset when you wear sexy outfits for cosplay ?
I dont have a boyfriend.
18. Does your family help you in your coslayer life ?
Not really haha, they support me but i do everything myself and pay for everything myself.
19. Ever encounter problems with other cosplayers (jealousy for ex) ?
Not really, a few cosplayers have had a problem with me but every cosplayer gets hate from someone so i try to ignore any i get and use it to make me a better person. For every person who doesnt agree with something i do theres thousands of my fans who do!
20. If you wanna say something to the world, here is your chance !
Mameshiba (ndlr : quelqu'un peut m'aider à comprendre ce que ça veut dire ??)
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